Ecole élémentaire de Reyvroz

Ecole élémentaire de Reyvroz image1


Reyvroz primary school has a single class for pupils from CP to CM2. Number of pupils: 17 Various equipment including 6 computers and a digital blackboard
Enrolment at the school is done at the Mairie. Please bring proof of address less than 3 months old, the child's health record (vaccination certificates must be up to date) and the family record book. You will also need to complete an information form and an emergency health form. (Documents available on the website or from the Mairie). Once you have registered, it is your responsibility to contact the school teacher, preferably by e-mail: [email protected], to arrange a date to meet and visit the school.


Free of charge.


1155 Route de Thonon, Cahrrière, 74200, Reyvroz
All year round.